A creative outlet with poems, prose, photography, scrapbooking, and sewing
In rooms of selfhood where he woke
And someone’s sleeping slumber took
A room that fought to take our own
Wherein a battle to take a throne
Where whence a coward had hatched a plot
Where evil is found and good is not
Wherein ambition clouds the mind
And forces the slaughter of ones own kind
Where once two brothers in pride did stand
Now one is dead by the others bold hand
And where one lies in peaceful rest
The others bravery is put to the test
For where three witches did cast a spell
And three apparitions did prophesize well
Macbeth sought cunning in his greed
To stop the lines of Banquo’s seed
To seize the throne, to take the crown
For Duncan and Banquo now look down
And now the tale must take a turn
The rightful king Macbeth did spurn
Now Malcolm must return to take
The sovereignty, Macbeth must break
He’s not alone, with Macduffs bold help
Together and apart they will kill the whelp
To save blessed Scotland, their country fair
To once again sink to knees in prayer
Two in one to seek revenge
Those crying souls they will avenge
Macbeth is assured, he will not die
But in the battle his end draws nigh
For Macduff was not of a woman born
And does Macbeth’s bold statement scorn
He draws his sword and cuts him deep
For all eternity Macbeth will sleep
Amongst the demons his soul in hell
Will cry in the agony Shakespeare did tell