Poem I wrote a few years ago for my senior creative writing class. We had to listen to several different movie soundtracks and write whatever came to mind. One of the songs was from the "Atonement" soundtrack, and was full of rushing piano parts that felt like you were running across the wet English countryside. This is my poem from it; the picture is what it looks like in my altered book.
The day breaks calm, mysterious as a sliver of gray creeps in unnoticed. Leaves part from cautious hands, the dewy morning staining the intrepid wanderer Nature takes flight as the gray commands the sky Footsteps thunder past, the sharp thud thud thud thud crash as foot meets root and you sprawl, lay on the unforgiving wooded floor now mocking, dark and cold, your attempts to be king. You are small at the mercy of the sky
One of the things I’ve been thinking of setting up for a while is a virtual book club. Or maybe, if no one is reading this, a book club of just me, lecturing to the empty internet my views on a novel. But I digress. I’ve been organizing my books over the past few weeks, and noticing that I have a lot of classics, or what have been defined as classics by people such as my 9th grade English teacher and that guy in Barnes and Noble making displays. I have a confession to make- I haven’t read a lot of the classics on my shelves. I pick them up here and there, from Goodwill and garage sales for $0.99 apiece, and then they languish on the bookshelf. It’s so snobbish of me to admit, but I like how they look. It makes me appear well read or something, not that I haven’t read many, many books. I’ve worked in a library for over 3 years- its hard not to.
So, for my “book club”, I’ll pick a classic every week, read it, and then talk about it. Bi-weekly might be the reality. I know that I can read a book in a couple of hours, but I’m a procrastinator. I’ll post the book for this week later tonight- I’m at work and as such, cannot see my actual bookcase.
Well…I’m back. Apparently I haven’t blogged since (pause for a moment to scroll down) late October. Not that anyone has missed me, I’m sure. I haven’t missed me all that much. I’ve been crazy busy with school, and then the holidays, and then moving, and then school starting up again. Lately I’ve felt a general lack of interest in almost everything, and realized that this blog isn’t working for me. Not only am I a perfectionist, and so rarely finish craft projects on time to my satisfaction, but I am so not Susie Homemaker.
Have you noticed the craft blogs that are out there? Not to take anything away from stay at home moms (they have a hard job, they would make thousands if they got paid, yada yada yada), but most of the blogs out there are either geared towards them or written by them. Fine. That’s great, if you want to make a hideous stuffed doll for your 5 year old. It’s not for me, at all. I don’t like that the word “craft” often connotes cheaply made things, or ugly rick-rack dresses that your grandma foisted on you at an impressionable age.
So I’m revamping the blog. It’ll have some craft stuff (mostly linked to my etsy page), but it’ll be other things as well. More of what I’m interested in, like literature, film, and especially fashion.
Thinking about getting into doing some wedding invitations. It's fun to design them, but I have to either fix my printer or get a new one to do more high quality card stock printing.
I'm working on a cotton wedding dress right now. I made a mannequin of myself about a month or so ago, but I'm finally starting to use it. I've been doing the wedding magnets and I guess I wanted to try my hand at sewing. Watching numerous re-runs of Project Runway has nothing to do with it... Anyways, rather than spend ridiculous amounts of my money at Joanns on organza or silk, I decided to do cotton. You've seen those Cotton ads with Zooey Deschanel and Miranda Lambert, right? You know..."the touch, the feel, the Cotton...fabric of our lives". Anyways, I LOVE those ads. I want every single dress that both of those ladies wear. Okay, that was a side note that really has nothing to do with my dress. The fabric I used is actually just a sheet (not my own. That would be odd and slightly gross), 100% cotton. This is more of a practice dress- no one's actually going to wear it. I wanted it to have a more Grecian/toga shape but with an eye catching blue streak. It's actually pretty flattering on my flabby bod :-)
I just signed up for a premium membership with picnik.com (I've mentioned it before) and I wanted to try some of the features. No, my eyes actually aren't green, and the weirdish yellow is one of the halloween features. Fun