Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Where do we go from here?

Well…I’m back. Apparently I haven’t blogged since (pause for a moment to scroll down) late October. Not that anyone has missed me, I’m sure. I haven’t missed me all that much. I’ve been crazy busy with school, and then the holidays, and then moving, and then school starting up again. Lately I’ve felt a general lack of interest in almost everything, and realized that this blog isn’t working for me. Not only am I a perfectionist, and so rarely finish craft projects on time to my satisfaction, but I am so not Susie Homemaker.

Have you noticed the craft blogs that are out there? Not to take anything away from stay at home moms (they have a hard job, they would make thousands if they got paid, yada yada yada), but most of the blogs out there are either geared towards them or written by them. Fine. That’s great, if you want to make a hideous stuffed doll for your 5 year old. It’s not for me, at all. I don’t like that the word “craft” often connotes cheaply made things, or ugly rick-rack dresses that your grandma foisted on you at an impressionable age.

So I’m revamping the blog. It’ll have some craft stuff (mostly linked to my etsy page), but it’ll be other things as well. More of what I’m interested in, like literature, film, and especially fashion.

Thanks for stopping by.

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